LOH Christmas Party

Event date: 
Fri, 12/03/2021 - 6:00pm

Ladies Only!

Potluck dinner.
Please comment on facebook what dish you will bring.
BYOB your drink of choice.

This is our best opportunity to make our traditional LOH jello shots for the chapter party the following day.
Let's have fun with some silly games after we enjoy the potluck.
First up will be a white elephant gift exchange.
We have set a $25 limit on the gift. Funny gifts and serious gifts welcome.

Not sure what a white elephant gift exchange is? This link will explain it. http://www.secretsanta.com/white-elephant-gift-exchange.../

After the gift exchange, we will play a silly game or two to compete for prizes.
Make sure to wear comfortable clothes to be able to compete.

I will send a private message to those RSVPd giving out our address when the event is near. Please make sure you RSVP!
*I know Friday night is not ideal for those of you that work, please come when you can, even if it is after 6. Just let Tina know! 

Open Event: This event is open to anyone interested in supporting Ladies of Harley.  Chapter members, National H.O.G. members and other guests as desired.

Event Coordinator: 
Teresa Alcantara

Impairment Policy:  The consumption and/or use of intoxicating substances such as alcohol or drugs is a serious personal responsibility involving the safety of family, riding friends and the individual HOG member. Consumption of such substances before or during a motorcycling activity is not safe, responsible behavior. Houston Area #1 H.O.G. Chapter #5255 does not allow the use of alcohol, drugs, or intoxicating substances before or during a riding event and does not furnish those at Chapter rides. Riders whose skills are observed or suspected to be impaired before riding cannot join the ride. Riders using alcohol, drugs, or intoxicating substances while riding will be asked to leave the ride. It is the responsibility of each Chapter member to support the consistent enforcement of this policy.